Good Morning Breakfast - selfish
Press Release
After introducing and releasing “The British Boys Alive” single on August 13th 2015, Sundaypop Records takes another collaboration acts with Upper Room Music and officially introducing and releasing Good Morning Breakfast’s second single called “Selfish” by releasing another live acoustic video format, and still with the main theme “Hello Summer, Good Morning Breakfast!”.
This single, that was written by Palpov Kinski and Ismet Hafiz Alim in the middle of 2009, has been recorded on a demo version and was released by several netlabels and now finally “Selfish” has been re-recorded in the beginning of year 2015 with a new version and the newest band’s formation. This re-recording action was taken due to many reasons, such as the missing of its multi track master files.
This second single talks about what’s so called the ideas of self centrism, the world revolves around someone. It talks about an egoistic concept when someone only thinks about himself without caring about others, meanwhile we should learn to take a good care about others and others’ lives. It is unethical getting know someone then while you’ve been getting closer, you leave without a trace. Take a look with your minds and hearts because someone’s egoism won’t help us to reach our dreams nor goals, but reversely, it will tear you apart from what you’re willing to get.
The ideas of self-centered itself could be defined as “a certain someone who only thinks about himself, his own needs and his own interests, or is actions or behaviors taken by someone that show a concern only for that person's needs”.
Michael Dambrun and Matthieu Ricard wrote on their book, Self Centeredness and Selflessness: A Theory of Self-Based Psychological Functioning and Its Consequences for Happiness, that a ‘self’ is a mental construction and a representation of several conception about ‘other self’, which then created a structure about the ‘self’ itself. Self-centered then could be define as a psychological act that was influenced by the conception of ‘me’ and ‘myself’ which was separated by another ‘me’ and ‘myself’ (Nietzsche’s existentialism). Further more, quoting Thomas Hobbes’s perspective about human nature concept, that human is an egoistic beings, where each individual selves only care about themselves, which then called as an anarchical condition. Then, if humans cooperate each other, that cooperative acts are done only for their own individual purposes.
Although, there’s a time when we as an individual beings needs what so called Me-Time, which is a time that’s spent for our own selves without the existence of others selves, so that that we could do anything for our own selves (or even do nothing at all). Me-Time could also seen as a free time that could be enjoyed alone, such as time for doing our own hobbies, for example by reading books, cooking meals, writing blog, hearing music, watching movies, etc. Mark Drummond, a psychologist that specialized in personality disorder, said that sometimes people can’t separate the differences between self-centered acts with this Me-Time concept, and there’s a bad assumptions that taking a Me-Time is the same with being selfish, or verse versa.
Good Morning Breakfast’s single “Selfish” live acoustic video, which will be released by Sundaypop Records and Upper Room Music mainly talks about this self-centrism, egocentrism and the Me-Time concept. This video is a new method used by Good Morning Breakfast for releasing their newest single, in spite of other conventional single releasing methods. The video will be released on Sunday, 20th September 2015 at 24.00 WIB on Upper Room Music’s website that could be accessed from this link bellow:
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Best Regards,
Sundaypop Records
Released by: sundaypop records
Release date: 9 December 2015
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